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In response to the COVID-19 outbreak affecting many nations throughout the world, including us here in Victoria, we have put together the following notice for our clients at Living Stillness. COVID-19 has been declared a global pandemic whereby governments are now putting in place health and social directives to our communities. You can find out more on the Victorian Health Department Website.


30/5/20 UPDATE: See below for our Living Stillness COVID-19 Return to Practice Policy


21/3/20 UPDATE TO OUR COVID-19 RESPONSE: Please note that in alignment with the current restrictions we are not seeing clients face-to-face, however we are continuing to take skype bookings for counselling, life-coaching support  & yoga. Please get in touch to find out more. 


Symptoms of COVID-19 infection (taken from the Department of Health Website).

Many people who contract COVID–19 will suffer only mild symptoms. However early indications are that the elderly and people with pre-existing medical conditions are more at risk of experiencing severe symptoms. 

The most common coronavirus symptoms reported include:

  • Fever

  • Breathing difficulties such as breathlessness

  • Cough

  • Sore throat

  • Fatigue or tiredness.

Note that these symptoms are almost impossible to distinguish from a regular cold or flu.

Please call your doctor and seek their advice if you develop any of the symptoms listed above.


What COVID-19 means for our local community

This infection is present in the community of Melbourne. How infectious COVID-19 is, how rapidly it will spread and how dangerous it is, are not currently completely understood. Many people are naturally concerned about the virus and their risk of catching it and developing the infection. Unfortunately, testing for the virus is very difficult at this time. Only a few pathology centres are able to offer the test, and they are currently overwhelmed by demand, causing prolonged and impractical delays in getting results. We are also entering the normal cold and flu season, and the recent drop in temperatures means that we are all far more likely to catch the regular viruses of the autumn and winter seasons. This makes the situation more complex and contributes to the sense of panic being generated by elements of the media.


The commitment of our clinic at Living Stillness

Bianca & Sara are dedicated to high standards of infection control in both the Doncaster and Caulfield North clinics. That remains unchanged and with extra measures in place during this time, with the exception of the following additional precautions:


What we ask of you, our clients:

  • Please delay appointments with us if you have returned from overseas travel. Outbreaks are occurring in many places, so restrictions on treatment following travel must apply to all countries. The recommended isolation time after your return is two weeks.

  • Please cancel your appointment if you develop any of the following symptoms:

o  Fever

o  Cough

o  Runny nose

o   Shortness of breath

  • Hand rub is available upon entry to both clinics. We ask that you use it on arrival and departure from the clinic. Hand wash is available if you prefer.

  • Do you have an underlying lung condition or a low immune system? At this stage, we suggest that you delay/postpone any appointments. 


Our commitment to you:

  • We are calling everyone who has booked in with us to ask whether they have travelled internationally in the past 2 weeks or if they have any of the symptoms of viral infection. We will ask people who answer either question in the affirmative to delay their appointments

  • Neither of us have travelled internationally in the past month, and we are not intending to do so in the foreseeable future. 

  • We are both aware of symptoms of the virus and will not come to work should we develop these symptoms. This may cause delays to your appointments, and some of your appointments may need to be postponed. We apologise for any inconvenience and will give you as much notice as possible of changes to your booking.

  • Our hand hygiene practices are currently excellent. We wash our hands regularly and in accordance with Hand Hygiene Australia.

  • We will be wiping down our treatments rooms, door handles and chairs regularly throughout the day with neutral detergent wipes – between every client whenever possible.

  • We will be using industrial laundering for all towels, as well as disposable table covers. 

  • We will be avoiding having clients lying face down on the table for treatments and will also avoid touching the head and face. 

  • We will not be offering massage at this time until further notice. However, all other treatments such as Chakra-puncture, Connective Tissue Therapy, Counselling, Sacred Esoteric Healing are still available. 

  • We are keeping up-to-date with releases from the Victorian Department of Health and will act according to their directions.

  • It is possible that we may need to postpone all appointments if advised to do so by the VIC Department of Health. If this occurs, we will notify you as promptly as possible. 

  • It is possible that we may need to close the clinics if advised to do so by the Department of Health VIC. If this occurs, we will notify you as promptly as possible.


PLEASE NOTE: We will continue to take skype bookings for counselling & life-coaching support. This service will not be affected by any of the restrictions that may come in to effect. 


We will update this policy as new information comes to light and will keep you informed.


Your understanding at this difficult and uncertain time is appreciated.


Do not hesitate to call us if you have questions or concerns that you wish to discuss -  


Bianca – 0418 533 549 & Sara – 0419 331 557.


Before we go, we want to share one of the most practical and supportive pieces of writing that we have come across thus far in amongst this current sea of madness. Enjoy!


The Contagion of Fear – the Coronavirus Pandemic and Medicine 

By Dr Fiona Williams


Take care of yourselves and each other and we will be in touch soon. 


Yours truly,


Bianca & Sara



Living Stillness COVID-19 Return to Practice Policy


In line, with the Australian Federal & State government easing of COVID-19 restrictions - all types of massage therapy and beauty therapy clinics can reopen from Monday 1st of June in Victoria. 


Living Stillness has made the decision to reopen their clinics at Caulfield North & Doncaster and would like to inform you of the extra infection control precautions we are putting in place to ensure the safety of all our clients and staff.


Please be assured that all of our previous high standard infection control practises will remain in place and with the easing of the COVID-19 emergency level restrictions we are implementing a new & higher level of infection control to ensure we adhere to the strict legal & regulatory requirements that are required for returning to practice. 


  • All clients will receive a Health & Wellness Screening Tool that can be completed online the day before their in-person appointment. If clients have any symptoms associated with COVID-19 such as cough, fever, sore throat or other flu like symptoms they should inform their practitioner before their appointment and will not permitted to attend the clinic.


  • The clinic will implement a one-touch policy where all items are cleaned & disinfected after they are touched by one person. A full clean of the clinic & all commonly used surfaces such as doorknobs, seat arms, toilets, bathrooms, sinks & taps, light switches will all be wiped down prior to and in between appointments. Living Stillness therapists will use gloves during all cleaning & use hospital grade antiseptic.   


  • Clinic spaces will be as well ventilated as possible.


  • All unnecessary items will be removed from the waiting area and clinic room and we ask that client’s refrain from touching surfaces unnecessarily.


  • All appointment times will be spaced apart allowing for extra cleaning measures. Please arrive at your appointment at your allocated time and leave promptly at the end of your appointment to facilitate the extra infection control requirements that the clinic will be adhering to.


  • On arrival we ask clients to knock on the door and wait for the door to be open, minimising the touching of door handles.


  • There will be hand sanitiser available for client use. We encourage you to use this on arrival and departure. 


  • If you need to use the bathroom facilities during your appointment. Living Stillness will provide paper towel for you to open/close taps & dry your hands. A push pedal pin will also be made available for you to dispose of paper towel/tissues.  


  • Therapists will maintain social distancing of 1.5m when possible throughout your appointment such as during arrival, intake process & post assessment. When the 1.5m distancing cannot be maintained due to the provision of treatment the practitioner will wear a single use surgical mask for each appointment.


  • The practitioner will follow strict hand washing protocol before, during & after appointments including using hand sanitiser before touching the client. If the client would like the practitioner to wear gloves during the session this request will be accommodated.


  • Fresh linen & disposable table covers will be used for each client and towels/linen will be washed at the end of each day adhering to the Living Stillness laundry policy.


  • Eye pillows/warm heat packs will not be used directly on skin or on the face.


If you have any concerns at any time, please discuss with your Living Stillness Practitioner. Ensuring your health & safety during your time at our clinics is of our utmost concern and all measures will be taken to ensure that the highest level of infection control is maintained throughout our clinics.  



To enquire further about any of the above information, please don't hesitate to get in touch

COVID-19 Enquiries

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Every effort has been made to ensure that this web site is free from errors or omissions. This site contains comments and references to medical topics; however there is absolutely no assurance that any statement contained in this publication touching on medical matters is accurate. Information provided is of a general nature and cannot substitute for the advice of a medical or health care professional. The Publisher, the Authors, the Editor or their respective employees or agents, shall not accept responsibility for injury, loss or damage occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of material in this publication whether or not such injury, loss or damage is in any way due to any negligent act or omission, breach of duty or default on the part of the Publisher, the Authors, the Editor, or their respective employees or agents. Reliance upon content obtained by or through this publication is solely at your own risk.

© 2024 Sara Harris unless otherwise stated

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